Monday, June 22, 2015

Mihazakazaka ny fotoana...

Dear Family,

You know, I hope that you all had just as great a week as I did.  I hope that you felt the warm love from our Heavenly Father, that you used the wonderful gift that the atonement has to offer, and that you helped someone in need.  I know that if you can do those things, your lives will be blessed.  Like I said in the title of the email, TIME IS RUNNING!

This week just flew by and I didnt even get a chance to breath.  I wowed my comp last monday by baking up some tasty brownies.  They were pretty good if I dont say so myself.  Then we were back to the grind, the work of the Lord that is. 

Tuesday and Wednesday, Elder Obioma and I were just seeing and feeling the work of the Lord here.  We were talking to so many wonderful people that were ready to recieve the message of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.  It was just amazing.  Those two days, we only had a couple people of drop us, and when that happened, we were getting in to other houses that were just awesome. 

Thursday was great as well.  We were fed by the missionary couple that works down here in Antsirabe.  It was so good.  The day was just as flavorful as the food.  We contacted a man named Henry who was just so prepared by our Heavenly Father to hear our message.  He told us that he knew there was a reason that we came to his door that day.  Such a testimony builder that was.  That night we got fed, AGAIN, by our District President.  Two times in one day, can you believe that Brock?  haha. 

Friday and Saturday didnt stop.  We had the opportunity to teach a JW... quite an interesting lesson, but we invited him to pray about the message that we shared.  I hope he goes through with it. 

Sunday didnt go quite as well in terms of the work, but it was full of surprises.  Elder Obioma and I were headed down a small path to find one of the less active members.  As we were headed down the path, our less active was running up the path.  We stopped him to ask if he could learn, but he quickly told us that something was happening up the hill. So we followed to see what all the people were gathering for.  We saw nothing.  We saw a guy blowing a whistle and that was it.  As we started to turn away, I noticed a little "hole" and in it were three women.  I walked up to get a better view of what they were doing.  Never before have my eyes witnessed the birth of a baby.  That was until Sunday.  I saw a lost woman, crouched over with a small child, still connected to the ambilical chord, laying on the cold cold dirt.  I could not believe my eyes.  Elder Obioma and I walked away, and as we did, Elder Obioma said to me, "When my wife gives birth, I am not going to be anywhere near it!"  We both shared a good laugh as we continued on with the days work.

Thank you all for your prayers.  I feel them each and every day.  I love you all so much.  I love being a missionary!

All my Love

Elder Herrin

No pictures this week.  The cyber is a little messed up!

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