Monday, March 16, 2015

End of Transfer...

Dear family,

How are you all doing?  It should be just beautiful where you are from.  Spring Time, all of the trees are blooming, people are happy, the grass is green, and most of all, the church is true.  Oh, I know that I tell you this all the time, but I miss and love you so so much.  I hope you know that!

So, not much to report on this week.  It was a great week of work here in Andranomadio/Mangarivotra!  We taught about 30 lessons this week and had some really great experiences.  I thought I would share a couple with you.  So, to start the week we did some contacting after a couple of app. fell through.  While contacting we came across a young 20 year old kid named iPad.  Yaa, his name is ipad.  When he came to the door I immediately started to judge. He is covered head to toe in tatoos, which is really strange for a malagasy because no one has money to do that.  But he invited us in (in french) and he walked us straight into the house, then into his room.  He locked the door behind us which was wierd.  I walked in, and the aroma of smoke filled my lungs, all I saw were empty beer bottles and drawings on the walls.  It was a bare room.  There was one computer that sat in the corner of the room.  Ipad sat down at the computer and told us to sit.  He lit a cigarette and asked what we did... so we told him, and instead of trying to teach, we just wanted to get to know him.  He is a tatoo artist who grew up speaking french.  So he really didnt know much malagasy.  He is a malagasy, just has forgotten a lot of it because he never uses it.  That was made appearant when we told him we could come back on tuesday and he asked what that meant in malagasy... uhhh so anyways.  "tracting is like a box of chocolates, you never know who youre gonna meet!" I also had a really neat experience that touched me this week.  We met this family the other week and said we would come by this week.  Really nice family, with a couple of sons who seem to be really interested.  Our second time with them was set up and we arrived to their door and we got all situated, but right as we were about to start, the gma came and started to ask questions.  She asked what God's name was and was just trying to "win" if you will.  My companion, who happens to be excellen at the language, and at the bible/gospel kind of put her to shame.  But it left a bad taste in my mouth.  The spirit was gone the whole lesson and the gma just laughed like a really scary witch the entire lesson that she insisted on sitting in on. However, our next time touched me.  We went to teach a man and his wife who had learned about 2 years ago and we somehow came in contact again.  He is a teacher and remembers really well the restoration.  He seems eager to learn, so we had brought the restoration film.  He had a tv... but the dvd player was not working... Now what?  My comps looked at me, and I had no clue what to do or say.  But, I started to talk and say that I had a spiritual thought.  I opened my bible, still not knowing what to share, until I came to a marking in John 14:13.  It was talking about prayer and how we need to ask the Father in the name of Jesus Christ.  From there, I just testified that if they prayed through Jesus Christ that they would know the truth.  I also shared 14 26.   It talks about the spirit.  After that lesson I felt like my heart took a total 180 degree flip.  The spirit was there and I no longer had the bad taste in my mouth.  I am grateful for small moments or tender mercies of the lord on my mission. I love this country and I love the people in it.  I hope you are all happy and healthy. I love you so much

Elder Herrin

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