Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Week 5 of the Transfer...

Dear Family,

How are you all doing this week?  I know that I say that in like almost all of my letters, but I genuinely want to know how you all are doing?  I dont get to hear from all of you so I just hope and pray that you are all doing as well as I am!  This week was great!  I had some great things happen and some really emberassing things happen!  All in all, it was a good week. 

So I started the week with the most emberassing moment of my mission thus far!  On Tuesday we have a dinner appointment with one of our member families.  It starts at 6, but because of how long winded my companion is we didnt start heading to their house until 6:30... I was not going to miss a dinner appointment, so I decided to run.  It was very dark and lets just say that I was running through a rice field.  The path was smaller than the size of Lukes foot and it wasnt smooth.  It was dirt that had piles of rice here, a rock or two there, up and down... So I must have lost all of my balance because I fell.  I forgot to mention that on either side of the small path is a ditch filled with water to feed the rice.  I fell waist deep in dirty muddy water.  I walked to my members house, and the father lent me a shrit and pants and his flip flops which were about a size 8... I could not have been more grateful!  It was funny looking back on it.  The work went ok this week.  We had a lot of people drop us, but we also committed 7 people to be baptized in December!  One of those families committed has become some great friends!  We had a time drop us on Friday and we just decided to pop by their house to see how they were doing, we ended up singing church hymns for 45 min with them!  They are great!  My week ended kind of down in the dumps though... As we were out on the edge of Ambohimangakely, we were waiting for a bus to take us back to where we needed to be to teach.  We got on one and so did about 45 other crazy drunk hyper people.  Within minutes there was yelling and people bickering over who got the window seat and what not... During all of this, my comp suggested that we get off.  We did so promptly and watched as a big fight broke out and people got hurt... Count your many blessings.  I thanked my companion for getting us off that bus and to safety!  Its the little things :)  I am still going strong, loving the people, and loving the work that I am doing!  I love you all so much! 

All my Love

Elder Herrin

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