Monday, November 10, 2014

So Training is over... Now what?

Dear Family,

I love you!  How are you all doing this week?  I hope your week was full of fun and joy and just happiness.  My week was good, it was one of those weeks as a missionary where you know that you are going to be transfered so I said some goodbyes and still did my best to not let that get in the way of the work!  Monday was good, we played soccer and tied... lame!  Tuesday we had a really big soiree with the family that I really love in my Branch.  I made peanut butter cups and I frosted brownies with strawberry pudding!  I felt like a baker fo sho!! They loved the treats so it made me feel really good! Wednesday and Thrusday were full of rain and lots of lessons!  I felt that I was blessed because with how much rain there was, I was only really wet for like one of the days... not bad!  Friday was good, nothing too special.  Saturday we had english class and I finally (the last english class in Ambohimangakely) mastered how to do it. There are about 6-8 people that show up.  3 of the students are really good and I can talk to just like I talk to you.  The rest are not good.  And since there is only one elder in my area who can teach english he has to try and teach both levels.  I finally got it this week.  I had exercises for the not so mahay and just was able to help the mahay learn better.  Sunday was way cool!  I got to eat lunch with our way awesome investigator.  We had rice and she made ravitoto... I can explain that one when I get home... she made that with crocodile meat.  Way good!  Then we taught a couple of times and they turned out to be like 90 minute lessons.  Is that how it is supposed to be... NO, but because my comp didnt bring an umbrella or a rain jacket, he prolonged the lesson because it was POURING rain!  We ended the day with a small soiree with members.  They wanted to say goodbye and it was just so nice of them!  So I dont know if you all remember my letter from about 6 weeks ago.  I talked about something called the BIG 3... Sooo I may or may not have been transfered to one of those BIG 3!! FORT DAUPHIN!  I am like so excited.  Mom, I dont know if you remember, but the day that we were driving up to BYUI and I was calling a few people to tell them about my call.  One of those people was Mrs. Gonzales and she was so excited for me that after the phone call I got like 3 pictures from her.  They looked like beach resorts and she was like thats where youre going.  We both kind of thought that thats not where I am going.... we were wrong.  Fort Dauphin is like the ultimate pretty vacation spot!  I was pretty excited!  I have a short plane flight on Wednesday and will start working there on Thursday!  So thats basically it for this week!  I hope you all know how much I appreciate your love and support.  I love you soo so much!

All my Love

Elder Herrin: the 1st

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