Monday, December 15, 2014

Another Week In Paradise

Dear Family,

          How are we all doing this week?  I sure have been thinking a lot about you as Christmas comes closer and closer.  I hope that you are all getting into the spirit and thinking of others!  There are kids in Africa who would love to be where you are... ok, thats harsh.  I wont use that.  I am doing just great and loving the work right now.  This week was a solid week of work.  Nothing to exciting, nothing to boring either.  We are teaching a lot of great people right now who are so close to being ready to be baptized, except for one small problem.  Either a drinking habit, or a marriage problem, work, just one small little thing that is holding them back.  Its so great to be able to help them, but there just isnt much that we can do.  Pray Hard. 
          So this week we taught some really good lessons that I think really helped our investigators.  Its amazing how well the gospel of Jesus Christ is placed together.  It makes so much sense, and when you have all the information in a book and you can read it.  You know, this mission has just made me want to tell everyone about this message.  Like, how on earth, would you now want to follow this..?  Then I look at my life before my mission... hahah.  So we had one lesson this week where we walked in and the father told us how the previous night he was not able to sleep.  He read all of the first pamphlet and wrote down like 8 questions concerning Joseph Smith... I was so so happy!  This week we also started preparing for our Christmas party.  I am doing a dance with a couple of the ym/yw.  Should be interesting to say the least.  The only christmas music that malagasies have is like the music that the catholic church makes... and the kids do it.  Very strange to say the least.  Sundays are always great here in Fort D.  Yesterday we had 24 investigators attend sacrament meeting!  We also had our Young Mens President come for the first time since I have been here.  He has been in jail because he hit a child, which really isnt anything abnormal, but the kid who he hit comes from a family of power... he is a cool guy!  Then we had transfers... My companion is leaving me.  I am getting a new kid.  Not brand new, but newer than me... I am so so so scared.  That also means that we wont have a santa any more cause elder Lambert was gonna be dada be noele here for the activity... so many things to work out because he is leaving.  Lots to do, people to save, and salvation to teach!  Hahaha.  I miss you oh so much.  I am doing all that I can to not be trunky this Christmas season.  I am so excited to skype with you and see the love you all have.  Thank you for all your love and support. 

All my love

Elder Herrin

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