Monday, February 16, 2015

Pretty Boring Week

Dear Family

First of all, Happy Birthday Mom!  Happy Valentines Day!  And Happy first Anniversary to Kirk and Alex!  I know I am about 2 days late, but its the best I could do.  Just know that I thought about all three of those things.  How a year ago I was at the Oakland temple witnessing a marriage and getting to spend the day with family at the temple was amazing.  I miss the temple.  How are you all doing. Is love still in the air, its definitely not here.  No one even knows what that is.  I pray that you are all happy and healthy this week, just like last week. 

My week was much different than most other weeks.  We spent a lot of time contacting people.  Which meant a lot of time on bikes, outside, in the rain.  It poured for three days straight.  Now, my area is called Andranomadio.  Which means clean water.  Yaa, pretty funny cause its the exact opposite.  Our area is known for how dirty it can be.  It is also hard to get around in our area when there is rain. This is because there are huge, I mean huge, ponds of water that are deeper than they should be.  My companion and I usually get our ankles soaked in water just from pedling.  One day, we got up to our thighs in water... we ended up just walking.  I probably was walking in people waste, cancer, condoms, and who knows what.  I may have a sad look on my face in the picture, but I was so happy to be working.  Also, during this week, my companion was sick so we had like a sick day where I just kind of got some cleaning done around the house, cleaned my bike, did some studying... And, with the new responsibilities that I have accumulated, all of Saturday was spent in meetings.  The first was with Pres. Adams, and we couldnt get skype to work because there wasnt any power here in Tamatave. So, we just sat with a little phone held between both of our ears and tried to listen to the 3 hour meeting, then we had another meeting right after that with the district pres, and the branch pres, in the district.  We, as missionaries, have to teach the leaders how to be leaders. It amazes me how well the church runs in America after seeing it here in Mada.  I wonder how Branch Counsil runs in America, cause I know that it is not right here.  Sunday was nice, other than the fact that we started 25 minutes late.  We got a lot of tracting done, and then the District President has all 12 missionaries over for dinner every Sunday.  Its wonderful.  I have such an appreciation for the organization of the church.  I know that because we have a living prophet, the way the church runs is exaclty the way that God intended.  I love this gospel and know that it is true.  I love you so much.

All my Love

Elder Herrin

This is my 3 year old girlfriend.  I said bye to her two weeks ago.  Such a cutie

This is the elders, my branch pres, and the first counselor.  My last night in Fort D...

Thats really how deep the water is

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