Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Cloudy with a chance of RAIN

Dear Family,

Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes this week.  It was a wonderful week and a wonderful birthday at that.  Before I get to the week, I just want you all to know how much I love you, how much I miss you, and how much I love doing the work here in Madagascar.  I hope that you are all happy, and smiling!

So, this week was BE orana.  (LOTS of rain) It rained from start to finish of the week.  And, to be honest, we still have another week of the nonstop rain.  For me, that meant that I was going to be riding my bike and walkin in poop water all week because everything would be flooded.. yayyyy!  Soo, Tuesday was cool.  We taught some great times and had a fun time with the water, as much fun as we could have.  Wednesday was strange day.  I woke and went to the bathroom.  What happened next, I wont share.  The rest of the day I was diagnosed with what missionaries here call "fear of being to far away from a toilet"  We didnt go out to work because I was having to prarie dog just about every 15 minutes to the bathroom.  Not so fun. Thursday was a much better day.  My Birthday.  One of the elders had just happened to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast and when my comp threw eggs and flour on my head (I will get back to that) he shared them with the house for my birthday.  Yaa, so no one really knew about my birthday... until last monday when the weekly email came out and told everyone that my birthday was on the 5th... So, my comp found out cause he actually reads the emails.  In Madagscar, there arent really traditions for birthdays, but they kind of inherited a tradition from France.  You smash eggs on the top of someones head and quickly drop flour on top of that. Missionaries love to do that here.  So on Wednesday I got out of the shower and started to shave when two eggs and like 3 cups of flour hit my head... Not too happy about that, but I took it like a champ, and showered again.  I finished showering, and was reaching for my towel to dry off when about 4 more cups of flour came from over the shower curtain... yaa our doors do not lock if you were wondering.  Anyway, nothing else happened, normal day of work which was really nice.  The rest of the week was just full of water.  We started wearing our sandals out to work cause our shoes were just not wearable.  Plus, it was nicer to wear sandals in the water.. when its up to your knees, doesnt really matter what type of shoes you have on.  On a more serious note, I am so grateful to be working here.  I know that I talk a lot about the weather conditions, and the crazy people and all the cool things that I get to experience, but when it comes down to it, nothing compares to the feeling that I get when I feel that I am helping.  We taught this family for the first time this week and they had so many questions.  Why we were white, what we were doing, blah blah blah, but one kid asked why we came.  So we each got to share sort of what brought us to become missionaries.  I was reminded of the road that I had to take, the preparation that I had, and the love that I felt before my mission which all led me to want to be a missionary.  I got to share that with this family and I really felt the spirit testify to them that what we do as missionaries will help every aspect of thier lives, just like it helped mine.  I know that this work is true.  I know that what I do every day is worth the two years of hard, sucky weather.  I know that my Father in Heaven loves me.  I hope you all know that also.  I love you all so much.  Have a great week!


Elder Herrin

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